







A Case Study on Data Science Processes in an Academia-Industry Collaboration

Sara das Mercês Silva (UNICAMP)

Breno de França (UNICAMP)

Dívida técnica em startups: Percepções e abordagens dos praticantes de software do norte do Paraná

Adauto Santos (UEM)

Jonathan Kuspil  (UEM)

Deverson Rando  (UEM)

Dionnes Santos  (UEM)

Gislaine Camila Leal  (UEM)

Renato Balancieri  (UEM)

Edson OliveiraJr  (UEM)

Do you see any problem? On the Developers Perceptions in Test Smells Detection

Rodrigo Lima (UFPE)

Keila Costa (UFPE)

Jairo Souza (UFPE)

Leopoldo Teixeira (UFPE)

Baldoino Fonseca (UFAL)

Marcelo dAmorim (UFPE)

Márcio Ribeiro (UFAL)

Breno Miranda (UFPE)

Improving test team performance through an Episodic Organizational Change implementation: A case study replication and extension

Rayfran Lima (Sidia Institute | Cesar School )

Ana Oran (UFAM )

César França (Cesar School)

Margefson Barros (SIDIA R&D Institute )

Williamson Silva (Unipampa - Campus Alegrete)

Is your code harmful too? Understanding harmful code through transfer learning

Durval Pereira (UFAL)

Caio Barbosa Vieira da Silva (PUC-Rio )

Baldoino Fonseca (UFAL)

Leonardo Leite (UFAL)

ME-MPS: An MR-MPS-SW extension model for critical software in regulated environments

Everton Machado (ITA)

Johnny Marques (ITA)

Measurement of User's Satisfaction of Digital Products through Emotion Recognition

Ricardo van Erven (UnB)

Edna Canedo (UnB)

Mock Objects in Software Testing: An Analysis of Usage in Open-Source Projects

Raphael de Almeida (UFF)

Romulo da Silva (UFF)

Lucas Serrano (UFF)

Heleno de Souza Campos Junior (UFF)

Vânia Neves (UFF)

Sentinel: A process for automatic removing of Test Smells

Adriano Pizzini (IFC)

Sheila Reinehr (PUCPR )

Andreia Malucelli (PUCPR )

Soft and Hard Skills of Software Testing Professionals: A Comprehensive Survey

Pedro Henrique Dias Valle (UFJF)

Ricardo Vilela (USP )

Guilherme Guerino (UEM)

Williamson Silva (Unipampa - Campus Alegrete)

Soft Skills of Software Developers: Exploring the Pandemic's Impact of COVID-19

Rayane Moraes (UFJF )

Ricardo Vilela (USP )

Pedro Henrique Dias Valle (UFJF )

Ticket to Ride: A Journey Through the Most In-Demand Soft Skills for QA Professionals in Brazil

Wagner Lancetti (UFSJ)

Vinicius Durelli (UFSJ)

Andre Endo (UFSCar) 

Fabiano Ferrari (UFSCar)

Surveying the Relevance of the Critical Success Factors of Agile Transformation Initiatives from a Project Management Perspective
Alessandra Fortuna (UNIRIO )

Claudio Mattos (UNIRIO )

Álan Andrade (UNIRIO )

Luiz Ramos (UNIRIO )

Eliezer Dutra (CEFET/RJ )

Rodrigo Santos (UNIRIO )

Gleison Santos (UNIRIO )

Twenty one years of SBQS (2002 to 2022): A Comprehensive Descriptive and Meta-Scientific Analysis

Luiz Paulo Carvalho (UFRJ )

Silas Lima Filho (UFRJ )

Michele Brandão (IFMG )

Mônica Silva (UFRJ )

Jonice Oliveira (UFRJ)

Gleison Santos (UNIRIO)

Ana Regina Rocha (COPPE/UFRJ )

Um mapeamento sistemático sobre o processo de onboarding em organizações de desenvolvimento de software

Sueli Perpétua (UFLA)

Savio Luiz Vieira (UFLA)

Carlos Portela (UFPA)

Maurício Souza (UFLA)

Unveiling Quality in Chatbot Conversations: Quantitative Analysis of Chatbot Requirements

Geovana Silva (UnB) 

Edna Canedo (UNB)

Usabivalid Tool: Evaluating usability of Smart City applications

Felipe Santos (UFPE)

Liliane da Silva Fonseca (UFPE)

Barbara Lemos (Unicap)

Rodrigo França (Unicap)

Sergio Soares (UFPE)

Vocabulary of Flaky Tests in Javascript

Rafael Soratto (UTFPR)

Marco Aurélio Graciotto Silva (UTFPR)

What we know about software dependability in DevOps - A Tertiary Study

Álan Andrade (UNIRIO)

Ednilson Moura (UNIRIO)

Gleison Santos (UNIRIO)







Um Estudo de Caso para Avaliar o Impacto do Uso de Code Review em um Sistema Real

Arthur Guedes (UFCG)

Everton Alves (UFCG)

Enhancing Issue Management through the Employment of Inspection Technique: An Experience Report in The Industry

Renata Castro (SIDIA)

Flavia Oliveira (SIDIA)

Janderson Rodrigues (SIDIA)

Leonardo Tiago (SIDIA)

Cesar Sousa (SIDIA)

Lennon Correa Chaves (UFAM)

Enhancing LGPD Compliance: Evaluating a Checklist for LGPD Quality Attributes within a Government Office

Christiano Neitzke (UFMA E TRE-MA)

João Mendes (UFMA)

Luís Cabrejos (UFMA)

Mario Teixeira (UFMA)

Davi Viana (UFMA)

Ariel Bentes (Eldorado)

Gustavo Tordin (Eldorado)

Graziela Martin (Eldorado)

Lucas Castro (Eldorado)

Exploring UX Factors through the Dogfooding Approach: An Experience Report

Adriana Lopes Damian (Eldorado)

Lígia Teixeira (Eldorado)

Cinthia Carrenho (Eldorado)

Raquel Pignatelli da Silva (Eldorado)

Impactos do uso do PDCA no processo de especificação de requisitos

Alex Felipe Ferreira Costa (UFC)

Valéria Lelli (UFC)

Ismayle Sousa Santos (UECE)

Victória Oliveira (UFC)

Rossana Andrade (UFC)

Rafael Lopes Gomes (UECE)


Evaluation of Automatic Test Case Generation for the Android Operating System using Deep Reinforcement Learning

Ana Paula Cardoso Teixeira (UFAM)

Cleicy Santos (UFAM)

Kelen Lima (UFAM)

Pablo Quiroga (UFAM)

Marlon Griego (UFAM)

Eliane Collins (INDT)

Enhancing Aviation Software Development: An Experience Report on Conducting Audits

Johnny Marques (ITA)

Sarasuaty Yelisetty (ITA)

Lilian Barros (ITA)

Talita Slavov (UNIFESP)

O emprego do Design Thinking na criação de projetos e na melhoria da percepção de valor pelo cliente: um relato de experiência em projetos de software em um Instituto de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento no Amazonas

Luana Lobão (INDT)

Maria Alcimar Costa Meireles (UFAM)

Brunna Talita Pinto (INDT)

Elizabeth Gauthier (INDT)

Arhanza Silva (INDT)

Lívia Lobão de Araújo (INDT)

Implementing a Simplified Risk Management Approach in Agile Software Development: An Experience Report

Julio Cesar dos Santos (CEFET/RJ)

Vicente Pinto Alves Coelho (CEFET/RJ)

Felipe Mello Fonseca (CEFET/RJ)

Diogo Mendonça (CEFET-RJ)

Work Product Review Process Applied to Test Cases Review for Software Testing

Elisandra Souza de oliveira (Sidia)

jhuan magno pisa neves (Sidia)

Andre Cruz (Sidia)

Erick Bezerra (Sidia) 







An experiment on software test creation: can EvoSuite help test teaching?

Lucas Santos (UFC)

Antônio Neto (UFC)

Lais Gomes (UFC)

Francisca Jannielly Garcia da Costa (UFC)

Fischer Ferreira (UFC)

Impacts of a Gamification Application for Teaching Software Measurement: An Experience Report

Lennon Furtado (UFPA)

Sandro Ronaldo Bezerra Oliveira (UFPA)

Scrum in Practice: City Reconstruction as a Pedagogical Game Challenge

Eloisa Masson (UniCEUB)

Angelica Toffano Seidel Calazans (UniCEUB)

Ian Bandeira (UnB)

Geovana Silva (UnB)

Edna Canedo (UnB)

Contribuições de um Curso de Extensão focado em Boas Práticas de Engenharia de Software para Estudantes e Profissionais de TI

Victória Cavalcante (UFAC)

Catarina Costa (UFAC)

Laura Costa Sarkis (UFAC)

Saulo Maia de Freitas (UFAC)

Daricélio Soares (UFAC)

An Open Educational Resource Supporting Mutation Testing Teaching

Leo Natan Paschoal (USP)

João Pedro Ruiz (Samsung Electronics)

Simone Souza (ICMC-USP)








Evaluating the Code Comprehension of Novices with Eye Tracking

Autor: José Aldo Silva da Costa (UFCG)

Orientador: Rohit Gheyi (UFCG)

On Building an Instrument to Assess the Organizational Climate of Agile Software Development Teams

Autor: Eliezer Dutra (UNIRIO)

Orientadores: Gleison Santos (UNIRIO), Bruna Diirr (UNIRIO)

SwEDeL: Software Estimates’ Defense Lenses Designed from Negotiation Methods

Autora: Patricia Matsubara (UFAM)

Orientadores: Tayana Conte (UFAM), Bruno Gadelha (UFAM), Igor Steinmacher (NAU)






Unveiling the Teaching Methods Adopted in DevOps Courses

Autor: Samuel Ferino (UFRN)

Orientador: Uirá Kulesza (UFRN)

Variability Debt: A Multi-method Study

Autora: Daniele Wolfart (UNIOESTE)

Orientadores: Wesley K. G. Assunção (PUC-Rio), Jabier Martinez (BRTA)









Investigating the Impact of Gender Diversity on Human Behavior in Proprietary Software Ecosystems

Juliana Outão (UNIRIO)
Orientador: Rodrigo Santos (UNIRIO)

Ethical Issues in Continuous Experimentation

Milene Lopes (UNICAMP)
Orientador: Breno França (UNICAMP)






Métricas Aplicadas a Microsserviços

Flávia Santos (UFS)
Orientadores: Michel Soares (UFS) e Fabio Rocha (UFS)

Development Model for a Legacy Software Supporting Cabin Operation

Felipe Rodrigo Evangelista Matilde (ITA)
Orientador: Johnny Marques ITA)

OntoTurnover: Uma ontologia de domínio sobre a rotatividade de profissionais

Aline Santana (UPE)
Orientadores: Ivaldir Junior (UPE), Wylliams Santos (UPE) e Cleyton Rodrigues (UPE)

Uma proposta de recomendações para Onboarding Remoto em Equipes de Desenvolvimento de Software

Sueli Perpétua (UFLA)
Orientadores: Maurício Souza (UFLA) e Carlos Portela (UFLA)

Use of robotic arms for automation of android-based mobile app testing through a truly black box perspective

Antonio Adrielson Pinheiro (UFPE)
Orientador: Breno Miranda (UFPE)

Supporting Localization Testing through Automated Application Navigation

Lais Felipe (UFPE)
Orientador: Breno Miranda (UFPE)

Optimus: Mecanismo de otimização de execução de testes em sistemas auto-adaptativos

Isabely Costa (UFC)
Orientadores: Rossana Andrade (UFC) e Ismayle Sousa Santos (UECE)