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SBQS 2024: The 23rd Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality

November 5th to 8th, 2024, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil



The 22nd Workshop on Theses and Dissertations in Software Quality (WTDQS), part of the 23rd Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality (SBQS 2024), is a forum dedicated to the presentation and discussion of ongoing master's and doctoral research on Software Quality in Brazil.

The objective of WTDQS is to provide a constructive environment for discussions, giving students the opportunity to obtain valuable feedback on their work and how their research places itself regarding the existing research on Software Quality. In addition, it aims to stimulate the integration and cooperation of researchers in the area and offer greater visibility to ongoing research for the academic and industrial communities.

We planned the workshop to be hybrid (virtual + in person) this year. Three members of the Program Committee will evaluate each submission. Students shall present the selected works during the workshop. Priority will be given to works in the most appropriate moment to receive this feedback, i.e., works that are not in too early or too advanced stages. We encourage authors to attend WTDQS in Salvador, but *** only students who are authors of accepted works in WTDQS 2024 *** will be allowed to register for SBQS 2024 and present their work virtually.

During the WTDQS presentations, discussions will be held with invited researchers from the area, as well as with the community attending the conference. The presence of the advisor during the presentation is not mandatory but strongly recommended.

Topics of Interest 

The following topics related to Software Quality fall within the scope of WTDQS, but are not limited to:

  • High Maturity and Statistical Process Control
  • Acquisition of Software Products
  • Acquisition of IT Services
  • Process Evaluation
  • Product Rating
  • Requirements Engineering
  • Continuous Software Engineering
  • Ethics and Software Quality
  • Human Factors and Social Aspects in Software Quality
  • Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Software Quality
  • Quality Assurance of IT Services
  • Software Quality Assurance
  • Configuration Management
  • Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning
  • Portfolio and Project Management
  • Software Product Management
  • People Management
  • Software Process Lines
  • Software Product Lines
  • Software Maintenance and Evolution
  • Software Measurement
  • IT Service Process Improvement
  • Software Process Improvement
  • Agile Software Development Methods
  • Process Modeling
  • Models and Standards of Capacity and Maturity
  • Software Processes, Methods, and Tools
  • Design and Integration of Software and IT Services
  • Quality of Software applied to IT Services
  • Services and Software Reuse
  • Sustainability in Software Quality
  • Usability and User Experience
  • Value in Software Quality
  • Verification, Validation, and Testing

Important Dates

  • Paper Submission: August 05th, 2024 August 18th, 2024 (23:55 Brasilia time)
  • Author Notification: September 06th, 2024
  • Camera-Ready: September 14th, 2024 (23:55 Brasilia time)

Paper Submission Instructions

Submission to the 22nd WTDQS must characterize the master's or doctoral work. Priority will be given in the following cases (but not limited to):

  • Doctoral works that are in the second or third year, shortly before or after the thesis proposal defense (qualification);
  • Master's works that are in the second year, shortly before or after the dissertation proposal defense (qualification)
  • Completed or near-completion master's or doctoral works should not be submitted, i.e., those whose defense is scheduled to occur close to (before or after) the date of WTDQS 2024, as little contribution can be made at this stage.

Important aspects to be considered to WTDQS submissions:

  • Doctoral submissions must include (1) Paper from 6 to 8 pages, and (2) Explanatory Video (link included in the paper);
  • Master's submissions must include (1) Paper from 4 to 6 pages, and (2) Explanatory Video (link included in the paper).

Authors must carefully read Instructions for Manuscript Preparation and Submission, more specifically Instructions for SBC Format Manuscripts (WTDQS). All submissions must precisely follow the instructions.

The acceptance of a paper implies that the student must register to SBQS, present the paper at WTDQS, and provide extra files required by the general chair (for example, a presentation video following the format requested in instructions). Additionally, to speed up the publication process, authors of accepted papers must fill out some forms requested by the proceedings chair on specific dates.

Submission link: 

Program Committee Chair

Adriano Bessa Albuquerque (UNIFOR)

Davi Viana (UFMA)

Edna Dias Canedo (UnB)

Gleison Santos (UNIRIO)

Ismayle de Sousa Santos (UECE)

Ivan Machado (UFBA)

Monalessa Perini Barcellos (UFES)

Rodrigo Santos (UNIRIO)

Sheila Reinehr (PUCPR)

Tayana Conte (UFAM)

Proceedings Chair

Ana Carolina Oran (UFAM)

Program Committee  

Alexandre Vasconcelos (UFPE)

Ana Carolina Oran (UFAM)

Ana Regina Rocha (COPPE/UFRJ)

Awdren Fontão (UFMS)

Érica Souza (UTFPR)

Bruno Cafeo (UNICAMP)

Bruno Gadelha (UFAM)

Davi Viana (UFMA)

Gleison Santos (UNIRIO)

Heitor Costa (UFLA)

Ismayle Sousa Santos (UECE)

Ivaldir Farias Junior (UPE)

Ivan Machado (UFBA)

Johnny Marques (ITA)

Leopoldo Teixeira (UFPE)

Luís Rivero (UFMA)

Monalessa Barcellos (UFES)

Natália Chaves Lessa (UFRRJ)

Paulo Sérgio Santos (UNIRIO)

Rita Suzana Maciel (UFBA)

Rodrigo Santos (UNIRIO)

Sandro Bezerra (UFPA)

Sheila Reinehr (PUCPR)

Suzana Sampaio (UFRPE)

Toacy Oliveira (COPPE/UFRJ)

Uirá Kulesza (UFRN)

Valdemar Graciano Neto (UFG)

Vinicius Garcia (UFPE)

Wesley Assunção (North Carolina State University) 





