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SBQS 2024: The 23rd Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality

November 5th to 8th, 2024, Salvador, BA, Brazil



The Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality (SBQS) is the main Brazilian forum dedicated to Software Quality. The quality of the software is manifested in two complementary and dependent aspects: Process Quality and Product Quality. With the current heavy reliance on software and aggregated services, research into software quality and its application in products and services is both a necessity and a differential to provide value to organizations and their businesses.

Since its creation, the SBQS has excelled in the exchange of experiences between academia and industry, where researchers, educators, and the Software Quality and Software Engineering practice community meet to present and discuss ideas, experiences, and discoveries with a view to the potential to positively influence the software industry.

Aim and Scope

The Software Quality Education Track of SBQS is interested in contributions that address challenges, innovations, and best practices in teaching Software Quality. Its primary purpose is to discuss how to promote meaningful learning about Software Quality to future professionals and researchers in the field.

Topics of Interest

Submissions on all topics related to teaching and learning in Software Quality are welcome. There is particular interest in articles addressing curriculum development, empirical studies, best practices, personal or institutional experiences, and conceptual and theoretical works. There is openness to a diversity of topics, including (but not limited to):

  • Innovative best practices for teaching software quality
  • Methodological aspects of teaching software quality
  • Innovative curriculum or course formats
  • Software quality education in Software Engineering, Computer Science, Information Systems, Information Technology, and other related fields
  • Teaching of software quality processes, methods, techniques, and tools
  • Use of active learning methodologies in software quality education
  • Problem-based teaching of software quality
  • Tools and methods for assessing learning in software quality
  • Use of tools, simulators, and games in software quality education
  • Gamification in software quality education
  • Integration of practical experiences in teaching software quality
  • Synergy between research and practice for software quality education
  • Interdisciplinary teaching of software quality (with other disciplines and courses)
  • Innovative methods for keeping teachers updated on teaching software quality
  • Methods for e-teaching/e-learning in software quality
  • Software quality education stimulating entrepreneurship
  • Cooperation between Industry and Academia for software quality education
  • Use of Artificial Intelligence in software quality education

Evaluation Criteria

Papers on this track will be evaluated considering their originality, relevance, technical solidity, and clarity of presentation.

Important Dates

  • Paper registration (abstract submission): July 3rd, 2024July 22, 2024 - July 29, 2024 (Hard deadline)
  • Paper submission: July 10th, 2024July 26, 2024 - August 02, 2024 (Hard deadline)
  • First notification: September 18th, 2024September 4th, 2024
  • Rebuttal period: September 18th to September 24th, 2024September 4th to September 10th, 2024
  • Second notification: September 29th, 2024September 20th, 2024 
  • Camera-ready version: October 6th, 2024

Manuscript Preparation and Submission  

​Read the Manuscript Preparation and Submission instructions.

Important points for the Education Track:

  • Articles must be no more than 10 pages plus 2 pages for references. Submissions must be made electronically through the JEMS system.
  • Articles submitted to the Education Track must fully comply with the format instructions, fit the track's scope, not have been submitted simultaneously to another forum (scientific event or periodical), and not have been previously published.
  • The SBQS 2024 Education Track adopts a double-anonymous review process (see Anonymization topic in Manuscript Preparation and Submission instructions.

Important: In order to exercise impartial judgment, the track chairs cannot submit to the same tracks they organize. However, the program committee members are allowed to submit.

The acceptance of a paper implies that at least one of the authors must register to SBQS, including the respective publication fee(s), to present it in person during the event, and that authors must provide extra files required by the organization committee. Additionally, to speed up the publication process, authors of accepted papers must fill in some forms requested by the proceedings chair on specific dates.

Link for submission:

Best Paper Award

SBQS rewards the best paper of each track every year. The Education Track Chairs and SBQS Steering Committee will choose the winning papers from the Program Committee reviews. The award-winning papers will be announced at the event.

Authors of the best papers will be invited to submit extended versions for publication in the Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development (JSERD).

Program Co-Chairs

Breno Bernard Nicolau de França (UNICAMP)

Patrícia Gomes Fernandes Matsubara (UFMS)

SBQS Steering Committee

Adriano Bessa Albuquerque (UNIFOR)

Davi Viana (UFMA)

Edna Dias Canedo (UnB)

Gleison Santos (UNIRIO)

Ivan Machado (UFBA)

Monalessa Perini Barcellos (UFES)

Rodrigo Santos (UNIRIO)

Sheila Reinehr (PUCPR)

Tayana Conte (UFAM)

Program Committee

Andrea Bordin (UFSC)

Anna Beatriz Marques (UFC)

Auri Marcelo Rizzo Vincenzi (UFSCAR)

Awdren Fontão (UFMS)

Bruno Cafeo (UNICAMP)

Carla Lima Reis (UFPA)

Crescencio Lima (IFBA)

Danilo Ribeiro (Zup Innovation)

Davi Viana (UFMA)

Edson OliveiraJr (UEM)

Eduardo Figueiredo (UFMG)

Emanuel Coutinho (UFC)

Fabiana Freitas Mendes (Aalto University)

Fernando Kamei (IFAL)

Gleison Santos (UNIRIO)

Heitor Costa (UFLA)

Hudson Borges (UFMS)

Ismayle Sousa Santos (UFC)

Jean Hauck (UFSC)

Luis Rivero (UFMA)

Marcela Pessoa (UEA)

Márcia Lima (UEA)

Monica Anastassiu (Inteli)

Paulo Sérgio Santos (UNIRIO)

Rafael Baldiati Parizi (IFFAR)

Regina Albuquerque (PUCPR)

Rodrigo Santos (UNIRIO)

Sandro Ronaldo Bezerra Oliveira (UFPA)

Sheila Reinehr (PUCPR)

Simone Souza (ICMC/USP)

Uirá Kulesza (UFRN)

Valéria Lelli (UFC)

Valdemar Vicente Graciano Neto (UFG)

Walter Nakamura (UTFPR)





