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SBQS 2024: The 23rd Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality

November 5th to 8th, 204, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil



The Software Quality Scientific Initiation Contest (CTICQS) aims to promote the discussion and dissemination of research works in software quality carried out within the scope of undergraduate studies.

CTICQS aims to publicize and award the best Scientific or Technological Initiation works and Final Course Projects in the area of Software Quality in Brazil conducted last year. The awarded works should have a significant impact on society and companies, as well as significant and outstanding contributions to the scientific or technological area of Software Quality.

CTICQS seeks to encourage students from all undergraduate courses in Computing and related areas to produce and submit original scientific papers carried out on topics related to Software Quality. The contest also provides undergraduate students with the opportunity to interact with various researchers during the Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality (SBQS), which is the main Brazilian forum dedicated to Software Quality.


The three best works in each category will be awarded: (i) scientific or technological initiation or (ii) undergraduate final course project.

Target Audience

Undergraduate students who have defended their final course projects or completed the Scientific or Technological Initiation project in Brazilian institutions, with dates ranging between January 1 and December 31, 2023. Scientific/Technological Initiation works must be produced by only one student. Final course projects may have been developed by more than one student, according to the course rules.

Preparation and Submission of Articles

Candidates must electronically submit their works through the JEMS system (SBQS 2024 – CTICQS). The following documents must be submitted together.

  • A paper presenting the developed work, which can be an original work or might have been published or accepted for publication. If the paper is original, then it must be up to 10 pages (following the submission instructions presented below), in PDF format. If the paper has already been published or accepted for publication, the original paper in PDF must be sent;
  • For Final Course Projects, a certificate of approval of the Final Course Project, issued by the Course Coordinator must be submitted. This document must include the course name, institution, course coordinator’s phone number, defense date, advisor(s)'s name and board members with email, the candidate’s name(s), and the title of the Final Course Project, in PDF format;
  • For Scientific or Technological Initiation Works, a document proving the connection between the student and the Scientific or Technological Initiation. For example, a statement from the Higher Education Institution or the scholarship-funding organization, if it is a company;
  • A signed letter from the advisor highlighting the aspects for which they believe the candidate deserves the award, in PDF format.

If the submitted work is part of a broader research project, the paper's content must identify the actions and contributions of the undergraduate student or group of undergraduate students.

The student authors can compete in both categories if the submitted works have different scopes and represent different research.

The acceptance of a paper implies that, at least, one of the student authors registers for SBQS to present the work during the symposium. In addition, all the material requested by the general organization (for example, the pre-recorded presentation video in the format requested by SBQS) must be provided. For the sake of expediting the publication process, the authors of accepted papers must fill out forms sent by the SBQS publication coordinator, on the specified dates.

Submission Instructions

All works, either full or short versions, will be published in the CTICQS section in the proceedings of SBQS, following the same template as the files submitted to CTICQS. Publication in the proceedings of SBQS requires the CTICQS paper to be original. If the work has already been published in another venue (journal or conference, including SBQS itself), a short version of up to 3 pages, containing the metadata, title, abstract, and keywords ONLY IN ENGLISH (even if the text is written in Portuguese), together with the other sections of the paper, will be published. The short version must be prepared by the authors and must contain a reference to the complete, published version of the paper. If the short version presents an overview of the work, the previous publications and the full text of the final course project (if applicable) must be cited and included as references.

Instructions for preparing articles are available at this page.


The paper's oral presentation must be carried out by the corresponding student(s) during the event. We encourage authors to attend CTICQS for in-person interactions in Salvador. However, *** CTICQS 2024 presenters *** need to register for the event and, if necessary, will be allowed to do virtual presentations on the contest date (to be announced).


Only works directly addressing aspects related to Software Quality will be accepted. Works that only use or mention Software Quality will not be considered.

In the 1st phase, papers submitted to CTICQS will undergo an evaluation process by a program committee composed of professionals from universities and research institutions with recognized expertise in the area of Software Quality. Contest coordinators may not submit papers for the contest. Members of the Evaluation Committee who supervise candidates competing in one category (Scientific Initiation or Final Course Projects) will only evaluate works in the other category.

In the 2nd phase, up to three works in each category will be invited for presentation. Only the authors of the Final Course Project or Scientific/Technological Initiation shall present it. A board of experts with no competing interests will evaluate the presentation as well as the quality of the work, and may also ask questions. Consequently, the classification of CTICQS will consider the evaluation of the submitted text and the presentation held during the symposium.

In the 3rd phase, the panel members, and only them, will convene in a private room to reach a consensus on the classification of the award-winning works in each category. Following this, the panel will communicate the consolidated outcome to the CTICQS chairs, who will announce it at the opening ceremony of SBQS.

Important dates

  • Abstract Submission: July 19th, 2024 August 05th, 2024 August 26th 2024 September 13th, 2024
  • Submission via JEMS, including all documents mentioned above: July 26th, 2024 August 05th, 2024 August 26th 2024 September 13th, 2024 (11:59 PM Brasilia time)
  • Notification of the finalists (1st Phase): August 23rd, 2024 September 02nd, 2024 September 23th, 2024 September 27th, 2024
  • Camera-Ready version: August 30th, 2024 October 06th, 2024
  • SBQS – CTICQS event: to be confirmed
  • CTICQS Awards: to be confirmed (SBQS opening ceremony)

CTICS Chairs

Gleison Santos (UNIRIO) - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Larissa Rocha (UNEB) - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

SBQS Steering Committee

Adriano Bessa Albuquerque (UNIFOR)

Davi Viana (UFMA)

Edna Canedo (UnB)

Gleison Santos (UNIRIO)

Ismayle de Sousa Santos (UECE)

Ivan Machado (UFBA)

Monalessa Perini Barcellos (UFES)

Rodrigo Santos (UNIRIO)

Sheila Reinehr (PUCPR)

Tayana Conte (UFAM)

Proceedings Chair

Ana Carolina Oran (UFAM)

Program Committee

(To be defined)





