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Come and meet the author and illustrator of the book "The Life of Ada Lovelace". Enjoy to acquire yours and still, of breaking, take the autographed copy!




Silvia Amélia Bim is a lecturer of the Academic Department of Informatics of the Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR), in the campus of Curitiba. Author of the children's book "The life of Ada Lovelace". He holds a bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the State University of Maringá, a Master's Degree in Computer Science from the State University of Campinas and a PhD in Computer Science from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. She is currently secretary of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) - Regional Paraná and Member of the Steering Committee of the Digital Girls Program (SBC). It is also part of the Emili @ s extension project - Framing in Bits at UTFPR-CT. Her areas of interest are: Human-Computer Interaction (IHC), Computer Teaching and Women in Computing. 


Kiara Cabral holds a degree in graphic design from PUCPR (2014) and a postgraduate degree in Visual Narratives from UTFPR (2018). From the time of the University he was interested in illustration, educational formation and publishing spaces. She worked at the Technological Hotel of UTFPR (2012), Jornal da Pastoral da Criança (2013), Tuiuti University (2015), Syntactic Publishers (2014) and Page 1. She worked as an illustrator. Exposed by the Collage Club at SOMA Gallery and SESC (2015). Since 2017 it illustrates the Eternal Apprentice column of VIVER magazine.


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Todos os direitos reservados ao XVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade de Software.

Desenvolvido por Luan Melo e Cristiane Fabrício.