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SBQS 2018: XVII Brazilian Syposium Software Quality   

October 17 - 19, 2018 Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil



The Brazilian Software Quality Symposium (SBQS) is the main Brazilian forum dedicated to Software Quality. The quality of software manifests itself in two complementary and dependent aspects: Process Quality and Product Quality. With the current heavy reliance on software and aggregated services, research into software quality and its application in products and services is both a necessity and a differential to provide value to organizations and their businesses.

Since its inception, the SBQS has been instrumental in sharing experiences between academia and industry, where researchers, educators, and the Software Quality and Software Engineering practice community meet to present and discuss ideas, experiences, and discoveries with a view to to innovation with the potential to positively influence the software industry. The SBQS 2018 will have 3 tracks: Technical Work Track, Experience Report Track and Software Quality Education Track.


The Thesis and Dissertation on Software Quality Competition (CTDQS 2018) aims to disseminate and award the best doctoral dissertations and dissertations in the area of Software Quality concluded, defended and approved in Brazil in 2017. Theses will be awarded and dissertations with a significant impact on society and companies, as well as a significant and outstanding contribution to the scientific area of Software Quality.


Up to six papers corresponding to the three best doctoral theses and the three best master's dissertations will be awarded. These works must, necessarily, be presented by the student or his supervisor at the Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality (SBQS 2018). It is important to highlight that, since 2008, the best master's dissertation receives the prize called "Prof. Arnaldo Dias Belchior ", in homage to the said researcher died prematurely.

Target Audience:

They can send papers for this competition, doctors and masters in the area of Software Quality that defended their theses or dissertations in Brazil in the year 2017, that is, from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017.


A summary of up to 20 lines of selected papers will be published. Candidates who wish to have an article published in the annals of SBQS 2018 must submit the article to the Technical Works Track, obeying the deadlines and norms established for technical works of SBQS 2018. The publication of the article or not depends on the outcome of the Contest of Theses and Dissertations.

Submission of works:

Applicants must submit the papers electronically, by the JEMS system, to the following address:, item SBQS 2018 - CTDQS 2018 and then choose the path that corresponds to the work ( CTDQS 2018 - Dissertations or CTDQS 2018 - Theses).

The following documents should be submitted, together:

  • A file with the full text of the thesis or dissertation, in pdf;
  • An extended abstract of the thesis or dissertation in Portuguese or English. The extended abstract should clearly describe the objectives of the research, its development, research method and the results and contributions of the work. This abstract will not be published. The summary can be done in the format of the SBC, available at de-libros, or at two-column ACM format for conferences (ACM_SigConf), available at In the case of the SBC format, the extended abstract should not exceed 15 pages, including figures, tables, diagrams, bibliography and attachments. In the case of the ACM format, the extended abstract should not exceed 10 pages.
  • A 1-page summary in the two-column format of the ACM for Conferences (ACM_SigConf), available at, for publication in the Proceedings of SBQS 2018.
  • A certificate of completion and approval of the thesis / dissertation defense, issued by the Coordination of the Course, which includes the name of the postgraduate program, the coordinator's telephone number, the date of the defense, the names of the supervisor (s) es) and the members of the bank, with e-mail, the name of the candidate and the title of the thesis / dissertation.

Important: The candidate must also ask his or her supervisor to send a letter (CTDQS2018) ...), by means of an electronic message highlighting the aspects for which he believes that the candidate deserves the award. Such letter should be sent to the coordinators of CTDQS 2018: Doctorate for prof. Guilherme Horta Travassos (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and Masters for Profa. Ana Regina Rocha (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


Only works on Software Quality will be accepted, in Portuguese or in English, that expand or deepen the knowledge in this area. We will not accept works that only use or mention Quality.

The selection will be based on the evaluation of the complete thesis / dissertation, in addition to the article submitted. The theses and dissertations submitted to CTDQS 2018 will be evaluated by a committee composed of professionals from Teaching and Research Institutions with recognized performance in the area of Software Quality and experience in thesis and dissertation orientation.

The Review Committee will be chosen after the date of submission of the papers, so that there are no teachers in the Committee with students who are candidates for the award.

Important dates:

  • Submission of thesis or dissertation, extended abstract, abstract for publication and certificate of completion: June 29, 2018 July 09, 2018 (23:55 Brasília time)
  • Send the letter by the supervisor by e-mail to the Coordinator of the Thesis Competition or to the Coordinator of the Dissertation Competition, as applicable: June 29, 2018 July 09, 2018 (23:55 Brasília time)
  • Finalists Announcement: September 28, 2018
  • Realization of SBQS 2018 in Curitiba and award of the 2018 Software Quality Thesis and Dissertation Competition: October 17 to 19, 2018

Program Thesis Chair

Prof.  Guilherme Horta Travassos (COPPE/UFRJ) - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Program Dissertation Chair

Profa. Ana Regina Rocha (COPPE/UFRJ) – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Program Committee of CTDQS - THESES OF DOCTORATE

Alessandro Garcia (PUC-Rio)

Alfredo Goldman (IME - USP)

Eduardo Almeida (UFBA)

Gleison Santos (UNIRIO)

Kathia Marçal de Oliveira (Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France)

Marco Tulio Valente (UFMG)

Márcio Barros (UNIRIO)

Rafael Prikladnicki (PUCRS)

Renata Guizzardi (UFES)

Sergio Soares (UFPE)

Simone Barbosa (PUC-Rio)

Uirá Kulesza (UFRN)


Andreia Malucelli (PUCPR)

Marcello Thiry (UNIVALI)

Sheila Reinehr (PUCPR)









Todos os direitos reservados ao XVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade de Software.

Desenvolvido por Luan Melo e Cristiane Fabrício.